BZOJ1090 [SCOI2003]字符串折叠 【动态规划】
那么显然$f[l,r]=min(r-l+1,f[l,k]+f[k+1,r]) (l \leq k <r)$
$f[l,r]=min(f[l,r], 2+f[l,k]+get(\frac{r-k}{k-l+1}+1))$
#include<stdio.h> #include<algorithm> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int f[111][111]; //[l,r] bool v[111][111]; char s[111];int n; inline bool j(int a,int b,int c,int d) { int modlen=b-a+1,len=d-c+1; if(len%modlen!=0)return 0; for (int i=c;i<=d;++i) { if(s[i]!=s[(i-c)%modlen+a])return 0; }return 1; } inline int u(int x){ int r=0;while(x)x/=10,r++; return r; } inline int g(int l,int r) { if(l==r)return f[l][r]=1; if(v[l][r])return f[l][r]; v[l][r]=1;f[l][r]=r-l+1; for (int k=l;k<r;++k) { int k3=g(l,k); f[l][r]=min(f[l][r],k3+g(k+1,r)); if(j(l,k,k+1,r)) f[l][r]=min(f[l][r],2+k3+u((r-k)/(k-l+1)+1)); } return f[l][r]; } int main(){scanf("%s",s);n=strlen(s); printf("%d\n",g(0,n-1)); }
2023年4月25日 21:35
The students who have appeared or participated in JNVST 5th to 6th Class Admission Selection Tests and IXth Class Vacant Seat Lateral Entry tests they can check their result from the listed nearest educational offices in your circle and district wise and zone wise selected candidate list with merit or toppers lists will be published at the Navodaya Vidhyalaya official website as per schedule.