
tonyfang posted @ 2015年8月23日 21:55 in math with tags math , 1154 阅读

矩阵A的行列式定义:$det(A)=\sum\limits_{\sigma \in S_n}sgn(\sigma)\prod\limits_{i=1}^na_{i,\sigma(i)}$


$a_{i,j}$表示矩阵中第$i$行第$j$列的元素。$sgn(\sigma)$表示置换$\sigma \in S_n$的符号差,也就是逆序对的个数。对于任意正整数$n$,$card(S_n)=n!$,所以是个有限次的求和。











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Jammu and Kashmir 11 说:
2022年8月23日 15:19

This JKBOSE Class Xllth Exams were administered by the Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education. upon the satisfactory completion of the exam. The Jammu and Kashmir 11th Question Paper 2023 for the JKBOSE Class 11th Exam will be released soon by the JK Board. All students who choose to pursue further education should take this test seriously since, upon completing it, Jammu and Kashmir 11th Previous Paper 2023 they will be able to pursue a variety of professional paths as well as enrol in undergraduate, diploma, and ITI programmes. JK Board will release the JKBOSE Class 11th test Question Paper 2023 in the month of May on the same official web portal site, according to the official announcement.

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