是指类似于$ A^{x} \equiv B (mod C) $的方程,已知A、B、C,求x的算法
一种朴素的方法,我们可以枚举$x$,从$0$到$C-2$(若$x=C-1$,那么$A^{C-1} \equiv 1 (mod C)$【费马小定理】)。
设$m=\lceil \sqrt{C} \rceil$,$x=i \times m+j$,然后$A^{x} = (A^{m}) ^{i} \times A^{j} $,其中$0 \leq i < m,0 \leq j < m$
那么原式为$A^{(i+1)m} \times B^{-1} \equiv A^{m-j} (mod C)$,其中$B^{-1}$表示$B$的逆元
那么由于$m-j \leq m$,我们开一个数组哈希或map存即可,复杂度$O(1)$ 到 $O(logC)$。
那么由$x=i \times m+j$即可得到$x$。
一开始的方程为 $A^x \times a + C \times b = B (a,b为整数) $
$ (\frac{A}{t})^{x'} \times a' + (\frac{C}{t}) \times b' = \frac {B}{t} $
两端乘$t$,得到$A^{x'+1} \times a' + C \times b' = B$
HDU 2815 拓展的的BSGS,BSGS也可以快速求log: HERE
# include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> # include <map> # include <math.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ull; ull gcd(ull a,ull b) { return b?gcd(b,a%b):a; } inline void exgcd(ull a,ull b,ull &x,ull &y) { if(!b) x=1,y=0; else { exgcd(b,a%b,y,x); y-=a/b*x; } } inline ull inverse(ull a,ull b) { ull x,y; exgcd(a,b,x,y); if(x<0) x+=b; return x; } ull bsgs(ull A,ull B,ull C) { ull m,v,e=1,i; m=ceil(sqrt(C)); map<ull,ull> hash; hash[1]=m; for (i=1;i<m;++i) { e=(e*A)%C; if(!hash[e]) hash[e]=i; } e=e*A%C; e=inverse(e,C); for (i=0;i<m;++i) { if(hash[B]) { ull ret=hash[B]; hash.clear(); return i*m+(ret==m?0:ret); } B=(B*e)%C; } return -1; } ull extbsgs(ull a,ull b,ull c) { ull t,d=1,cnt=0; while((t=gcd(a,c))!=1) { if(b%t) return -1; b/=t, c/=t; d=d*a/t%c; cnt++; if(d==b) return cnt; } b=b*inverse(d,c)%c; ull ret=bsgs(a,b,c); if(ret==-1) return -1; else return cnt+ret; } int main() { ull k,p,n,ans; while(~scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d",&k,&p,&n)) { if (n>=p) { printf("Orz,I can’t find D!\n"); continue; } else if (n==0) { printf("0\n"); continue; } else { ans=extbsgs(k,n,p); if (ans==-1) printf("Orz,I can’t find D!\n"); else printf("%I64d\n",ans); } } return 0; }
POJ 2417 不拓展的BSGS(限定了$C$为质数):HERE
# include <stdio.h> # include <math.h> # include <map> using namespace std; long long ksm(long long A,long long B,long long P) { if (B==0) return 1; if (B==1) return A%P; long long k=ksm(A,B>>1,P); k=(k*k)%P; if(B&1) return k*A%P; else return k; } long long bsgs(long long A,long long B,long long C) { long long m,v,e=1,i; m=ceil(sqrt(C)); v=ksm(A,C-1-m,C); map<long long,long long> hash; hash[1]=m; for (i=1;i<m;++i) { e=(e*A)%C; if(!hash[e]) hash[e]=i; } for (i=0;i<m;++i) { if(hash[B]) { long long ret=hash[B]; hash.clear(); return i*m+(ret==m?0:ret); } B=(B*v)%C; } return -1; } int main() { long long A,B,C; while(scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&C,&A,&B)!=EOF) { long long ans=bsgs(A,B,C); if (ans==-1) printf("no solution\n"); else printf("%lld\n",ans); } return 0; }
2023年4月17日 21:13
Board of jnvstresults5th Education, jnvstresults5th has successfully conducted the state class 5th grade annual final public examination tests for all government and private school jnvstresults5th, Hindi Medium and English Medium students jnvstresults5th.in to the academic year and more boys and girl students are participated from all rural and urban area schools in the state, according to the reports this year also huge number of students are applied and participated in class 5th grade annual final public exams.