BZOJ4032 [HEOI2015]最短不公共子串 【后缀自动机+序列自动机+BFS】

tonyfang posted @ 2016年4月09日 21:54 in BZOJ with tags c++ OI , 659 阅读

【题解】跟 上一题简直一模一样



# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <queue>
# include <vector>
using namespace std;

const int M=4010, Ms=26;
struct AM {
	int tot, ch[M][Ms], root;

struct SeqAM: public AM {
	int head[Ms], next[M];
	SeqAM() {
		tot = root = 1;
		for (int i=0; i<Ms; ++i) head[i] = tot;
	inline void insert(char c) {
		for (int i=0; i<Ms; ++i)
			for (int j=head[i]; j&&!ch[j][c]; j=next[j]) ch[j][c]=tot;

struct SufAM: public AM {
	int fail[M], len[M], cl, last;
	SufAM() {
		last=tot=root=1, cl=0;
	inline void insert(char c) {
		++tot, ++cl;
		int x=tot, p=last;
		last=x, len[x] = cl;
		for (;p && !ch[p][c]; p=fail[p]) ch[p][c] = x;
		if(!p) fail[x] = root;
		else if(len[ch[p][c]] == len[p]+1) fail[x] = ch[p][c];
		else {
			int child = ch[p][c], cm=++tot;
			len[cm] = len[p]+1;
			fail[cm] = fail[child];
			for (int i=0; i<Ms; ++i) ch[cm][i] = ch[child][i];
			fail[child] = fail[x] = cm;
			for (;ch[p][c] == child; p=fail[p]) ch[p][c] = cm;

int d[M][M];
queue< pair<int, int> > Q;
inline int bfs(AM &a, AM &b) {
	memset(d, 0, sizeof(d));
	while(!Q.empty()) Q.pop();
	Q.push(make_pair(a.root, b.root)); 
	while(!Q.empty()) {
		int nowa = Q.front().first, nowb = Q.front().second;
		for (int j=0; j<Ms; ++j) {
			int ca =[nowa][j], cb =[nowb][j];
			if(d[ca][cb] || !ca) continue;
			if(!cb) return d[nowa][nowb];
			d[ca][cb] = d[nowa][nowb] + 1;
			Q.push(make_pair(ca, cb));
	return -1;
char A[M], B[M];

int main() {
	scanf("%s%s", A, B);
	for (int i=0; A[i]; ++i) SEA.insert(A[i]-'a'), SUA.insert(A[i]-'a');
	for (int i=0; B[i]; ++i) SEB.insert(B[i]-'a'), SUB.insert(B[i]-'a');
	int AEBE=bfs(SEA, SEB), AUBU=bfs(SUA, SUB), AEBU=bfs(SEA, SUB), AUBE=bfs(SUA, SEB);
	printf("%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", AUBU, AUBE, AEBU, AEBE);
	return 0;
https://rajasthan8th 说:
2023年4月14日 23:24

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan has successfully conducted the state class 8th grade annual final public examination tests for all government and private school Rajasthani Medium, Hindi Medium and English Medium students to the academic year and more then 12 lakh or more boys and girl students are participated from all rural and urban area schools in the state, according to the reports this year also huge number of boys and girls are applied and participated in class 8th grade annual final public exams.

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